info + faq

Located directly next to the Medical Centre is the ‘WELFARE TENT’ which is open 24 hours a day across the event weekend.   The Welfare Crew offers non-judgemental support to those vulnerable either through substance use, mental health, are a victim of an assault or sexual assault or those that are finding the festival environment too overwhelming in that moment.  A festival atmosphere and large crowds can be a trigger for some people, and our Welfare Tent is a safe space facilitated by trained and experienced staff where people can be cared for until they feel able to head back into the festival if they wish.

Their staff come from a range of professional backgrounds including drug and alcohol services, mental health, social care, youth, and medical services, with all staff trained in safeguarding and supporting victims of assault and recognising mental health and how to give immediate support.

The welfare team can also support you with arranging how to get home in an emergency, by making phone calls to family and friends to pick you up and then support you to the gates.

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